Do You Want to Know More About the Holy Spirit?
“And when they had prayed, the place in which they were gathered together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and continued to speak the word of God with boldness.” Acts 4:3
What are your thoughts on the Holy Spirit? Do you understand Him to be God, or is He more of a helper to God? Do you know what the Bible says about Him? Is the Holy Spirit available to everyone who professes Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior?
In his book, School of the Spirit, Lee M. Cummings offers answers to these questions and many more. Formatted in the style of a college course, each section has a course number (e.g., 101, 201, and 301). The book begins with an introduction to the Holy Spirit, followed by an introduction to the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and continues with walking in His power. I will leave section 401 to you as the reader to discover. (Here’s a hint…it’s powerful!)
School of the Spirit offers pearls of wisdom throughout its pages. The author digs into the detailed working of the Holy Spirit in our lives as he discusses topics such as: Making the Connection, The Promise of the Father, The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit, Walking in the Power of the Holy Spirit, and Using Your Spiritual Gifts.
Here are a few sample of quotes you will find within its cover.
~ “The Holy Spirit is first and foremost God Himself.”
~ “There has never been a moment in your life as a believer when the Holy Spirit was not working in you for your benefit.”
~ “Walking in the Spirit is a supernatural way of living, driven by the desires, abilities, and purposes of God.”
About the Book
The back cover of the book states the following: “People tend to avoid what they can’t control. Believers often shy away from the Holy Spirit because we don’t know who He really is or what He might do. But if we will let Him into our lives, He will come with His power and change us forever.”
It’s easy to try to put God into a box, isn’t it? It’s simpler that way. If we presume to know everything about the Holy Spirit, we don’t have to look deeper or ask the hard questions. On the other hand, if we believe He is too complex to understand or is only accessible to a chosen few within the church, we are tempted to run the other direction when the subject comes up.
In School of the Spirit, Pastor Lee M. Cummings encourages believers to get to know the person of the Holy Spirit. In it he states that the Holy Spirit is “the most misunderstood Person of the Trinity.” I would tend to agree. When I discuss the Holy Spirit with other believers, I find a gamut of opinions about who He is and how He reveals Himself in the lives of Christ’s followers. To avoid confusion, School of the Spirit reveals biblical truths in an easy-to-understand way, answering many common questions of curious believers such as:
Who is the Holy Spirit?
What did Jesus say about Him?
What does a Spirit-empowered life look like?
What are the nine gifts of the Spirit? What are their benefits?
Why should believers speak in tongues?
“When you pray in the Spirit, you build yourself up spiritually. You edify and prepare yourself spiritually. “Praying at all times in the Spirit” is part of putting on “the whole armor of God” (Ephesians 6:11). You’re strengthening yourself. It’s as if you are pumping iron in the Spirit so that you will become stronger.” ~ Lee M. Cummings
School of the Spirit by Lee M. Cummings
Available on Amazon well as other retailers.
Why This Book Matters to Me
The days we live in are difficult. People are hurting. They are lost. They need Jesus. As believers, we are called to be light to a lost and dying world (see Matthew 5:14). Now, more than ever before, in these last days we need the power of God working in and through our lives. Through this book, we will learn to understand who the Holy Spirit is and how to have a relationship with Him. In doing so, we will also learn how to access his supernatural gifts of grace, so we can boldly proclaim the name of Jesus to those who do not know Him. How grateful I am that we have this excellent resource available to equip us as we minister to the people the Lord places in our lives.
“The promise of the Father is a gift for everyone-and everyone means you.” Lee M. Cummings
Dear Spirit of the Living God,
Thank you for filling us with your presence and power. Teach us to walk in faith as we listen to and obey your voice guiding us. We pray that we will be a people who boldly proclaim your name to a lost and dying world. We praise you.
In Jesus’ name we pray.
Beautiful Blessings. Dawn
Bio: Lee M. Cummings is the founding and senior pastor of Radiant Church as well as the founder and president of the Radiant Network. He oversees and mentors many next-generation leaders and church planters throughout the United States. Lee is passionate about introducing believers to the Person and power of the Holy Spirit. He speaks at leadership events and churches worldwide and is the author of Be Radiant and Flourish. Lee can be reached at
Photo Credits: Gateway Publishing
“But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.” The apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 6:11 (NKJV)